Monday, December 10, 2012

Ashes & Wine

is there a chance?
a fragment of light at the end of the tunnel?
a reason to fight?
is there a chance you may change your mind?
or are we ashes and wine?

that is the chorus of a song that i love. it speaks of the desire for hope, of wanting to understand those around us who baffle us. it asks the question we all want to know, is there really hope? or are we simply day-dreamers wishing idly for a better world?

music is full of small nuggets everywhere with simply beautiful thoughts like this. i come across them all the time in all forms of music, whether in the lyrics or even just in a beat.

and that is what this space is for. combining the music i love, with the thoughts that invade my mind without stop - i hope to create something beautiful too. because that's one amazing reason i believe we are here on this earth, along with being tested. we are here to create beauty and grow, and progress and admire the works of others as well.

i hope you enjoy this as much as i know i will. so without further ado, let the music begin!

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